Hellooo, Kermit the frog speaking from Sahoura (or something very similar).
We got some action these past 2 days, so here it is. Woke up early, that's not a big surprise, and went to get a bus that was going to take us to 'the rafting point'. We were quite exited about it since neither of us have ever tried rafting. The bus trip to the river was not much, just 3 trucks off the road on 'the good side', meaning by it, the mountain side, one of them, literally, stuck like a tree with its cabin on the ground growing roots. And of course a couple buses, have to say, one of them not so lucky as the rest, and went through the bad side, meaning by it, the river side, one hundred meters below the road level.
Nonetheless arrived safely to our destination. Wait for some others rafters to arrive and got a five minutes lesson how to manage on the boat and on the water. The river course we were going to do were 25Km, with rapids and quiet zones. Rapids are awesome, you got totally wet, and have to use your feet to cling to the boat, at the end they are sore, but when some rapid waves hit the boat is a lot of fun. An experience I totally recommend. : P- We even got a couple swims, one volunteer, and another courtesy of the rapids.
After having that much fun on the river we moved to Sahoura, a village placed in the north of Chitwan National Park. We did not get many things beside the dinner that night, but we were invited to join the locals (it is Dhilwar festival right now) on a dance party. Ferran could not avoid the occasion and went to enjoy it.
On the morning there was disposed a canoe trip. After the rapids, the canoe trip was a piece of cake, it was supposed to be some crocodiles around, but we did not manage to see any. Some times the canoe turned right or left, but nothing dangerous, since the water depth was less than 1 meter. After the canoe trip we went to see some of the headquarters locals use for breeding the elephants. Ferran noted that was a bit sad they had to be chained.
Walk back to the resort and had lunch. The meals here are simple but nice, and best of all, not much spicy!!! I'm having some problems with my left hand due an injury that is getting nasty, nothing to be worry about yet, although I hope it doest not go worse, so I did not enjoyed the water shower from the elephants trunk on their bath time. I have to say that this village is very touristic, I guess all the foreigners that come to Nepal have an obligated stop here.
On the noon, after lunch time we went on an elephant ride through the jungle, with our hopes put on spotting a tiger. We've been told that is a very rare occasion, and, sadly, we were not in a rare elephant ride. Anyhow, we were able to see some deers and rhinos, although I would have liked very much to see a wild tiger.
Of all the things we have done these past two days, the one I liked best was the rafting. Probably if we have seen a tiger, the elephant ride would have been on the top.
Time to say see you around, hope you keep the track with us!
Best wishes!
Després de les vostres aventures al Pakistan tot això sona a vacances de debó, fins i tot l'Space s'hi apuntaria :-) Jo del Nepal només vaig estar a Kathmandu i algun lloc d'allà a prop, tot això que dieu sona molt més interessant!
ResponderEliminarMmmm Aex take care of that left hand wound... at least get some alcohol and properly treat the wound-surface.
ResponderEliminarNice to hear that both of You are getting fun!
Take care.
Hola tremendus,
ResponderEliminarTé pinta que us ho passeu bé, quina enveja...
Ja teniu hotel reservat i pagat a Paris pel GP Eurodisney, la nit del Divendres i del Dissabte. Un 4 estrelles que se us farà estrany i tot de lo bo que és, despres de dormir en autobusos del infern durant tant de temps...
El vol ja us apanyareu vosaltres. Que potser teniu pensat empalmar directament o passareu per la casilla de salida??
Apa dew.
P.D. Que es aquesta manga de que el Skeleton se'n vol anar a treballar a una escola que heu trobat at random pel cami???
Últimament em fa molt de pal llegir-me tanta parrafada en anglès. Sobretot perquè em costa entendre'l. Ho sento Àlex.
ResponderEliminarPerò tranquil, no et pensis que no llegiré els teus reports. El teu esforç no serà en va. Senzillament me'ls llegiré a la mateixa velocitat que ho faria amb els del Ferran. I a partir d'aquí ficaré sobressada a tort i a dret (left and right).
Pel que he pogut entendre, un cocodril es va pensar que la teva titola era una serpent de riu, i arrastres molèsties d'ençà de l'ensurt. Me n'alegro que et poguessis escavolir a través dels ràpids.
També sembla ser que l'elefant en el qual anaves montat es va escapar a corre cuita a través de la selva. El motiu va ser un mosquit tigre que l'estava empipant. També me n'alegro que et trobessin a temps. Ja m'han comentat que en el moment del rescat et trobabes en una olla, donant cops a les parets per intentar emular a l'Indiana Jones.
Finalment vull felicitar-te pel noviàs amb l'índia anomenada "best wishes". Al final dels teus comentaris mai te noblides de saludar-la. És tot un detall. Segur que ella tampoc t'oblida. Li vas fer un fill...
Lemming... reconec que també fa pal llegir els teus comentaris. jajaja
ResponderEliminarEs conya, ha estat bé sobretot per la "best wishes" que ja m'han dit que es una joia i que ens la presentara.
Que maco veure com l'Arthur cuida del seu germanet... que tendre... m'he emocionat. Àlex fes-li cas i en cas de dubte no consultis amb el Ferran que sempre es pensa que no es res. Consulta amb un metge, que és el que fa la gent normal. Bé això ja ho saps, com ho de l'alcohol : )
Estava mirant... i es que fa uns dies estaveu a Persepolis i abans heu passat per la Capadocia i abans per Albania i abans per Croacia... buf quina passada!
ResponderEliminarPer cert no trobo el nou del poble enlloc... a veure si som més precisos que no us ubico al google maps... o haureu aconseguit estar a un lloc que no apareix. Tot un Repte sens dubte!
ResponderEliminarBusca "Tandi" que es el nom del poble al nord de Chitwan on vam parar a l'autobus. El poble del que parlo son 50 resorts i 45 shops, de fet no es un poble poble.
ResponderEliminarEl esqueleto no te res... va un dia amb bicicleta, com que te les mans tant delicades, es posen una mica vermelles, i ja esta demanant on es l'hospital.. quina vergonya..
ResponderEliminarNomès heu caigut un cop als ràpids? Bravo!
ResponderEliminarCompte amb aquesta ma...
Veig que torneu a Eurodisney, a veure si aquesta vegada jugueu :-) Ostres, ara a la Maia li agradaria molt més, però em sembla que ara no estem per viatjar amb la meva mega panxa, potser la propera!
ResponderEliminarM'ha agradat més el teu estil que eldel Ferran, Àles, però el millor de tots és el Bernat :) Li podríeu encarregar l'edició del blog en un gran llibre comentat que faria les delicies de grans i petits.
ResponderEliminarSón gaire habituals els accidents de bus o què? Quin mal rotllo. Voleu dir que és gaire segur anar en canoa amb un metre de profunditat quan hi ha cocodrils? No sabia que hi havia rinoceronts per aquestes latituds.
Torneu directament per al GP de Paris? Quins tremends!
Apa, que seguiu molt bé i que no sigui res el tema de la mà.
Vier, això és que han aconseguit alguna carta ultra-rara anant per aquests moxs de deu :D